Yesterday, as we were leaving our house on some errands we stopped and actually backed up in the road to meet Judy. She was out watering in her yard. The first time we went by I waved and mouthed hello and she politely nodded back and offered a slight smile. We forgot something so had to go back and pick it up. As we were going by Judy the second time I realized we just needed to stop and introduce ourselves so I backed up in the road, rolled down the window and introduced myself and Julie.
As we were talking Judy said something interesting... I don't remember her exact words but it was clear she was pleased we took the time to stop and introduce ourselves... and discover a little about who she was... somewhat shocked as a matter of fact. People do this so little these days that we are usually met with skepticism whenever we do... "is this person a serial killer" or "are they asking all these questions because they are going to take advantage of me somehow" seem to be the looks on their faces. However, now when we pass that corner and Judy is out we can wave and use her name to greet her.
No one else is likely going to take the initiative so we just have to do it. Meet someone new in your neighborhood today. Even if its several blocks away and you see someone walking or out in their yard, just stop, introduce yourself, and get to know a little about him or her. It could be the beginning of a great relationship.
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