Here's the radar and forcast for today!
Dec 27, 2007
Snow... Snow... and MORE Snow!
What a GREAT "welcome back to Colorado" we're getting! Here's an image I took of snow sections piled up in the outer sill of the window that shows the sections. Old, melted a little, and new since this AM piling up on top of it.

Here's the radar and forcast for today!

Here's the radar and forcast for today!
Dec 11, 2007
Let it snow. Let it SNOW! LET IT SNOW!!!
Dec 6, 2007
And Then There Were Four (minus)...
Suffice it to say we get to vote at least one more week. NOTE THIS: The time the show will be aired has been adjust this week. Watch The Next Great American Band on FOX at 9 Eastern/8 Central.
Nov 30, 2007
Ahhh... Keystone... On top of the World
Nov 26, 2007
I've always wanted...
... to see Blue Man Group "in concert" and last night I did! Here's a little taste of what we experienced. If you've not seen them, check out the How To Be A Megastar tour to see if they are coming near you and GO!
Nov 24, 2007
And only 6 remain! Way to go DMHO fans! Who will be in final 5?
Last night's show was taped on Tuesday instead of Wednesday for a number of reasons. The fans last week voted and kept the guys in for another week. Hope you got a chance to watch and vote last night. Here's a youtube recap of DMHO's performance:
Still in:
After the votes last night only five remain... who will those five be?
Still in:
- Tres' Bien
- Light of Doom
- Clark Brothers
- Sixwire
- Dot Dot Dot
- Denver and the Mile High Orchestra!
After the votes last night only five remain... who will those five be?
Nov 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving 2007
Nov 19, 2007
If only they'd spelled the name correctly!
Check out this video to learn more!
Read more from Gizmodo!
Nov 16, 2007
Absolutely Amazing Sunset!
Now when you first look at this you may think, yeah so what I've seen that before and wonder what I was going on about. But, from what I understand it almost stopped traffic on the Denver highways this evening during rush hour. Why you ask? Because this photo was taken looking East instead of West where the sun was setting. Okay... think about it... look at the photo. Let it sink in. Usually light flows from the source and expands outward. So where is the source in this photo. Well, I know it's at my back because the sun is setting behind me. Yet the rays appeared to be flowing from some source on the eastern horizon as the sun was setting in the West. Here's another photo... SIMPLY AMAZING!
Nov 14, 2007
I Love Living Here!
Pretty simple really. A slight dusting on the cars this AM. Crisp, fresh air outside. Ahhh!
Oct 27, 2007
My Comet Friend! Don Holmes
A close-up view of Comet Holmes is seen in the constellation ...
Oct 21, 2007
I wondered if...
... anyone in Denver (the city) would catch on to the name play of Denver and the Mile High Orchestra. I saw this in the Rocky Mountain News:
And an interesting side note . . .
̢ۢ Sure, creatively named competitors on The Next Great American Band include The Dirty Marmaduke Food Squad, Zombie Bazooka Patrol, Fifi Larue and The Light of Doom. But our pick for best band moniker is Denver and the Mile High Orchestra, pictured at right. DMHO, which bills its style as Christian big band, is not named after the Mile High City, though, but for bandleader Denver Bierman.
Oct 15, 2007
Okay... some of you may be familiar with American Idol. Having lived in Nashville and had friends in the music circle we were privileged to have had acquaintance familiarity with both Mandisa and Melinda Doolittle through other friends, but this time... OH MY. Beginning Oct. 19 the producers of American Idol are looking for The Next Great American Band and one of my best friends in the world (like a brother) Denver Bierman, leader of Denver & the Mile High Orchestra, tried out! This photo was on FOX's web site and I've seen numerous video commercials (see best one below) over the last several weeks with Denver on it. At this point, all we know is that they tried out. Join me in watching on October 19th to see how they do. Hope the mean judge doesn't say anything mean to the guys! GO DMHO!
Oct 10, 2007
Meeting people
Yesterday, as we were leaving our house on some errands we stopped and actually backed up in the road to meet Judy. She was out watering in her yard. The first time we went by I waved and mouthed hello and she politely nodded back and offered a slight smile. We forgot something so had to go back and pick it up. As we were going by Judy the second time I realized we just needed to stop and introduce ourselves so I backed up in the road, rolled down the window and introduced myself and Julie.
As we were talking Judy said something interesting... I don't remember her exact words but it was clear she was pleased we took the time to stop and introduce ourselves... and discover a little about who she was... somewhat shocked as a matter of fact. People do this so little these days that we are usually met with skepticism whenever we do... "is this person a serial killer" or "are they asking all these questions because they are going to take advantage of me somehow" seem to be the looks on their faces. However, now when we pass that corner and Judy is out we can wave and use her name to greet her.
No one else is likely going to take the initiative so we just have to do it. Meet someone new in your neighborhood today. Even if its several blocks away and you see someone walking or out in their yard, just stop, introduce yourself, and get to know a little about him or her. It could be the beginning of a great relationship.
As we were talking Judy said something interesting... I don't remember her exact words but it was clear she was pleased we took the time to stop and introduce ourselves... and discover a little about who she was... somewhat shocked as a matter of fact. People do this so little these days that we are usually met with skepticism whenever we do... "is this person a serial killer" or "are they asking all these questions because they are going to take advantage of me somehow" seem to be the looks on their faces. However, now when we pass that corner and Judy is out we can wave and use her name to greet her.
No one else is likely going to take the initiative so we just have to do it. Meet someone new in your neighborhood today. Even if its several blocks away and you see someone walking or out in their yard, just stop, introduce yourself, and get to know a little about him or her. It could be the beginning of a great relationship.
Oct 5, 2007
Okay... all things new!
Those (two) of you who have followed our blog for the last several years will immediately notice that some things have changed around here. Today I changed my email domain over to be managed using Google Apps (AWESOME! If you have spam problems I highly recommend it). It required I swap which host my domain pointed to and I essentially began saying goodbye to the host I've used for some 5-8 years. An attempted back up and restore of the old life|simple blog content failed so we're going to start all things over just like our re-relocation to Colorado. Some of the old stuff is gone. Maybe I'll put it back over time and maybe I won't.
Welcome back! I'm sorry, but if you were a registered poster of comments before you'll have to register again.
Welcome back! I'm sorry, but if you were a registered poster of comments before you'll have to register again.
Sep 27, 2007
People Matter! Or they should anyway...
Today I was at a counter where a very nice young lady named Anjelica (An yell i ca) was assisting me. Another customer passing by proceeded to ask Anjelica a question while Anjelica was still talking to me. It was pretty rude and obviously took Anjelica by surprise that someone was being so rude to her, but even more that she was so rudely interrupting Anjelica's care for me. I think we were both shocked when the other customer barked out some orders that she wanted Anjelica to fulfill as she continued to shop and explained she'd be back later for what she had instructed Anjelica to do.
Anjelica apologized to me for the customer's rudeness and finished her very good care of me while mentioning that the other customer would get little or no care.
Now, the question. What was the name of the person who helped me in the store? It's not a trick question. I just want to make my point. How often do you spend some time at a counter with a person helping you and leave never noticing the person's name. I've started noticing and as I left I inquired as to the pronunciation of Anjelica's name. Understand, she had treated me with the utmost respect to this point, but at my making the effort to notice she had a name her countenance brightened and we were on a whole new level. Personal.
Try to make it a point to notice the PEOPLE who help you this next week... not just the employees.
Anjelica apologized to me for the customer's rudeness and finished her very good care of me while mentioning that the other customer would get little or no care.
Now, the question. What was the name of the person who helped me in the store? It's not a trick question. I just want to make my point. How often do you spend some time at a counter with a person helping you and leave never noticing the person's name. I've started noticing and as I left I inquired as to the pronunciation of Anjelica's name. Understand, she had treated me with the utmost respect to this point, but at my making the effort to notice she had a name her countenance brightened and we were on a whole new level. Personal.
Try to make it a point to notice the PEOPLE who help you this next week... not just the employees.
Sep 17, 2007
Christopher & Nicole of Christopher's Pizza!
Hey Christopher, Nicole & crew... we miss your GREAT pizza!!! The BEST pizza in the Nashville area with the greatest people making/serving it!

This is my first of a new category... shout out! where I'll shout out to folks we know and love. Christopher and Crew... you are the first! Check out Christopher's blog
This is my first of a new category... shout out! where I'll shout out to folks we know and love. Christopher and Crew... you are the first! Check out Christopher's blog
Aug 12, 2007
One of those things worth knowing about...
If you don't think the CD or DVD will be obsolete anytime soon, the folks over at Gizmodo have posted a video that might be worth you knowing about. If you've ever been frustrated by a CD or DVD that doesn't work due to scratches, check out their Save The Day: Scratched Disc? Banana to the Rescue video.
May 13, 2007
What is MSF and this RiderCoach Thing...
Several have asked or been curious about the Motorcycle Safety Foundation's RiderCoach training Julie, AK, and I took part in last month. (I think some are actually baffled by the whole motorcycle thing -- may even consider us to be going through mid-life crisis -- HA!)
Here's a great video that gives an overview of the Basic Rider Course which we were certified to lead during the training. It will help those of you who are curious know what we will be doing. But, you will never experience the joy of seeing someone who on Friday night is fear-struck about whether they can ride a motorcycle, but on Sunday graduate and are prepared with the basics to continue preparing to enjoy safe motorcycling among the autos and trucks.
Here's a great video that gives an overview of the Basic Rider Course which we were certified to lead during the training. It will help those of you who are curious know what we will be doing. But, you will never experience the joy of seeing someone who on Friday night is fear-struck about whether they can ride a motorcycle, but on Sunday graduate and are prepared with the basics to continue preparing to enjoy safe motorcycling among the autos and trucks.
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