
Oct 30, 2008

What a blast! IgniteBoulder - Oct 29, 2008

Dan Borgmann (, Ryan Wanger ( and I at
Dan Borgmann (, Ryan Wanger ( and I at

Slideshow via Flickr

Video via YouTube

So last night, Dan of, Adam (AK my son), and I went to the IgniteBoulder event in Boulder CO. It was a blast! We hooked up with Ryan Wanger (of The Reluctant Eater) before the event began and got acquainted. Ryan and Dan had hooked up via Dan's new interest in blogging and Ryan may be a food reviewer for Dan's site.

Perhaps the most fun of the night was the look on Dan's face from about the third presentation on... (wish I had a picture) but it's that blank stare you see when it's obvious someone has been drinking from a fire hose of info. But he did great.

We heard/saw 20 slide (timed automatically at 15 second intervals) presentations on everything from what soap bubbles have in common with yoga (really a bizarre presentation, seriously), to info about Lucid Dreaming (maybe more bizarre than the yoga/soap), to instructions on branding yourself, perception possibility, what angel investors are thinking, and more.

Maybe next time I'll live blog the event. A video of the event is in process. I'll edit and post a link here when it's available for anyone interested.

Overall a great evening of branching out and exploring new stuff. There are Ignite events occurring all over the country (world?) and you should definitely check for one in your area and go if can.

Thanks to Andrew Hyde of Boulder for coordinating this event! Let's do another!

Oct 13, 2008

Interesting Whose Lists You End Up On

The whole social media thing is a very interesting and inexact science. While I'm certain I was and continue to be on many people's "lists" from work over the years, every now and then you'll get random emails and tweets you were never expecting and you end up on someone's list. Todays came from twitter nflscore:

Oct 8, 2008

Fall 2008 Color Ride in the Rockies

Last Friday, October 3, Julie, our house guest Chris Papetti, and I took our two HD video cameras for a ride in the Rockies to see the Fall color. We ended up putting one of the cameras on the tripod bungied in between the front seats with the top down. We shot video for most of our trip through the mountains to Estes Park via Golden. We wish we could share GORGEOUS Colorado with all our friends, but since so many live in other parts of the country and don't get to enjoy it, I thought I'd share a little taste here with you. Since you probably don't want to watch 30 minutes of video I increased the velocity of the playback so 30 minutes is condensed down to about 7. Enjoy!

(this is the super high bandwidth version... which will take a little longer to load - see below for lower)

(a little lower bandwidth version)

Oct 6, 2008

Latest Finished Project

Web commercials, web-mercials as I like to call them, are becoming very popular with the explosion of video on the web. Today, I finished editing one for a local Greek food service. Here's a link: (click on Giggling Greek to view just that video)

Oct 2, 2008

Classic Game Meets PHP

So today in class our instructor led us in an activity where we group coded a web version of the classic game Rock, Paper, Scissors. It was a very interesting exercise and very educational to work as a team. I kept up with most of what we did, tweaking it a little on the way, and then massively tweaking it when I got home this evening. So, if you want to take a look go play Rock, Paper, Scissors online (WARNING: It's a little addictive.)